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Phrasal Verbs related to Phones


  • Bring Up:

    • Meaning: To mention or introduce a topic during a conversation.

    • Sample sentence: I'll bring up the issue of scheduling during our team meeting.

  • Call Back:

    • Meaning: To return a phone call to the person who originally called.

    • Sample sentence: I missed your call earlier; I'll call you back as soon as I'm free.

  • Cut Off:

    • Meaning: To abruptly end a phone call, often due to a signal loss or disconnection.

    • Sample sentence: Sorry about that; we got cut off. Can you repeat what you were saying?

  • Hang Up:

    • Meaning: To end a phone call by placing the receiver back in its place or tapping the phone screen.

    • Sample sentence: I'll have to hang up now; I have another call coming in.

  • Log In/Out:

    • Meaning: To enter or exit an online account or application on a mobile device.

    • Sample sentence: Make sure to log out of your email account after checking messages on your phone.

  • Patch Through:

    • Meaning: To connect a caller to the intended recipient during a phone call.

    • Sample sentence: Let me patch you through to the customer support department for assistance.

  • Ring Up:

    • Meaning: To make a phone call or contact someone.

    • Sample sentence: I'll ring up the supplier and inquire about the shipment status.

  • Speak Up:

    • Meaning: To talk louder or more clearly, especially during a phone conversation.

    • Sample sentence: I couldn't hear you clearly; can you please speak up?

  • Text In:

    • Meaning: To send a text message as a form of communication.

    • Sample sentence: You can text in your order, and we'll prepare it for pickup.

  • Vibrate Off:

    • Meaning: To set a phone to vibrate mode, typically to receive notifications silently.

    • Sample sentence: During the meeting, please make sure your phone is on vibrate so it doesn't disrupt the discussion.

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