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Phrasal Verbs related to Neighbourhoods

  • Back Up (a Street):

    • Meaning: To move a vehicle in reverse, away from the main road or street.

    • Example Sentence: "I had to back up the car to make room for the delivery truck."

  • Check In (On Someone):

    • Meaning: To visit or inquire about someone's well-being.

    • Example Sentence: "I thought I'd check in on the neighbors to see how they're doing after the storm."

  • Drop By:

    • Meaning: To visit someone casually or briefly, often without prior notice.

    • Example Sentence: "Feel free to drop by anytime; the door is always open."

  • Fix Up:

    • Meaning: To renovate or improve the condition of a building or property.

    • Example Sentence: "They decided to fix up the old house and turn it into a cozy bed and breakfast."

  • Get Along (With):

    • Meaning: To have a good relationship or be on friendly terms with someone.

    • Example Sentence: "It's essential to get along with your neighbors to create a harmonious community."

  • Hang Out:

    • Meaning: To spend time together casually, often in a relaxed setting.

    • Example Sentence: "We like to hang out at the local cafe in our neighborhood."

  • Invite Over:

    • Meaning: To request or welcome someone to one's home.

    • Example Sentence: "We should invite the new neighbors over for dinner and welcome them to the community."

  • Join In:

    • Meaning: To participate or become involved in an activity or event.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighborhood association encourages everyone to join in the annual cleanup day."

  • Keep Up (with the Joneses):

    • Meaning: To maintain a similar social and economic status as one's neighbors or peers.

    • Example Sentence: "They always try to keep up with the Joneses by upgrading their cars and gadgets."

  • Look Out For:

    • Meaning: To be vigilant or watchful for someone's well-being or safety.

    • Example Sentence: "Neighbors should look out for each other, especially during times of need."

  • Move In (to a New Place):

    • Meaning: To start living in a new residence.

    • Example Sentence: "They plan to move in next week after completing the renovations."

  • Opt Out (of Something):

    • Meaning: To choose not to participate in a particular activity or arrangement.

    • Example Sentence: "Some residents may opt out of the neighborhood watch program due to time constraints."

  • Pick Up (After):

    • Meaning: To clean or tidy an area, often after oneself or others.

    • Example Sentence: "Let's all pitch in and pick up after the community event."

  • Quiet Down:

    • Meaning: To become less noisy or boisterous.

    • Example Sentence: "It's getting late; we should ask the kids to quiet down for the night."

  • Rally Around:

    • Meaning: To come together in support of a cause or person.

    • Example Sentence: "The community rallied around the family who lost their home in the fire."

  • Settle In:

    • Meaning: To become accustomed to a new home or environment.

    • Example Sentence: "It takes time to settle in and feel comfortable in a new neighborhood."

  • Team Up (with):

    • Meaning: To collaborate or work together with others.

    • Example Sentence: "The residents decided to team up with local businesses to organize a street fair."

  • Unload (Property):

    • Meaning: To sell or get rid of a property, often used in real estate.

    • Example Sentence: "After many years, they decided to unload their property and move to a smaller home."

  • Visit With:

    • Meaning: To spend time in a social visit with someone.

    • Example Sentence: "We often visit with our neighbors on the weekends, sharing stories and laughter."

  • Welcome In:

    • Meaning: To greet or receive someone into a place or community.

    • Example Sentence: "The neighborhood association strives to welcome in new residents and make them feel at home."

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